PAW Documentation

How to set up a Hot Wallet

How to Set Up a Hot Wallet

NEVER CREATE A DIGITAL COPY of any password you create; this includes avoiding taking a screenshot of it, sending it to yourself in an email or storing it as a note on your computer. Any digital document that's stored on your computer is accessible to hackers.

Browser Compatible with Google Chrome, Firefox, Brave or Edge website browser.

Android: Compatible with any smartphone that operates using Android's operating system.

iOS: Compatible with any iPhone.

How to set up a MetaMask wallet:


  • Click on the menu bar.
  • Click install MetaMask for the desired device.
  • When downloaded click "get started" then select "create a wallet" and agree to the terms.
  • Next set your password ensuring it includes all the listed characteristics like one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit and one symbol at least for each.
  • A screen will then appear which outlines what a secret recovery phrase is. Copy down each word in order and then MetaMask will ask you to type in the 12-word sequence.

How to set up a Coinbase wallet:


  • Download the desired device option.
  • When downloaded, on the welcome screen select "create a new wallet" and press continue.
  • Choose a username and select recommended settings on the privacy options. This can help in the future for trading between Coinbase wallet users.
  • Next set your password ensuring it includes all the listed characteristics like one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit and one symbol at least for each.
  • Confirm the terms and conditions by selecting each point and press continue.
  • Next you will be prompted to back up your secret recovery phrase. Copy down each word in order and then Coinbase will ask you to type in the 12-word sequence.

How to set up a Trust wallet:


  • Download the desired device option.
  • Once you download the application, select "create a new wallet" and press continue.
  • Next set your password ensuring it includes all the listed characteristics like one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit and one symbol at least for each.
  • Confirm the terms and conditions by selecting each point and press continue.
  • Next you will be prompted to back up your secret recovery phrase. Copy down each word in order and then Trust wallet will ask you to type in the 12-word sequence.